Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why the 'Comeback 65: Challenge for Good'?

5 months ago in May, I fractured my leg on the scenic Coastal Trail just north of Muir Beach, CA -- and for months following could barely walk -- and only with pain. I had to wear a 'boot' until 6 weeks ago, and despite an xRay, an MRI and a second xRay, nothing conclusive was showing -- just lots of medical guesswork.

Running was part of my 'make-up' for well over 30 years -- and I'd never stopped running for any interval like this. After a second MRI (to rule out cancer), followed by a sonogram, finally, in month 4, a fracture of my fibula was confirmed.

Would I ever be able to run again (without pain)? Unknown.

Fortunately, by the time of the diagnosis, I was able to do some biking and swimming to try to keep fit. But I promised myself that if I could run again, I would use my upcoming 65th birthday to celebrate my good luck by pushing my limits -- and hopefully inspire others that 65 is not a barrier, just an age marker.

If a 'comeback' were possible, I promised myself to give thanks by also finding a way to do some good.

Tuesday night with my Pelican Inn Track Club buddies, I ran my first trial jog in 5 months, a 4 mile loop and felt OK. Today, 4 days later, I met up with my Saturday running group at Mountain Home Inn, and ran to the top of the East Ridge of Mt. Tamalpais in a 7.5 mile loop.

Muscles ached, often winded, humbled, and mostly at the back of the pack -- but my legs held.

Robert Kennedy once said others often look at things and ask "Why?' but that he looked at things that never were and asked 'Why not?'

In that same vein, details will follow on this blog (my first) re planned events for my 'Challenge for Good' --  but rest assured it will be a very ambitious 65th-year agenda in selected, recovery-spaced and challenging running, biking and swimming events (and doing so while also balancing challenges of family with teenage boys, and an entrepreneurial tech career).

The Comeback 65: Challenge for Good is however not about winning (I won't be on the event podiums for #1-3), but rather finishing.

Grateful that I can again start running, there are certainly no guarantees. But I will be trying with lots of willpower and tenacity. Success will in part be at the starting line of each event -- and crossing the finish lines.

You're invited to share my journey by following this blog, spreading the word -- and helping do good.

Stay tuned for details re the events, causes and following a blog that at times will make you laugh, share insights into the worlds of running, biking and swimming -- and hopefully on occasion even inspire.

With some trepidation -- and thanks,

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